Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ignoring certain characters from user input in HTML Textbox

One common requirement when creating user input forms in websites is to not show some of the characters in a text box. For example, we would not want to show alphabets in input fields for dates and age. Similarly, we would not want to show numbers in an input field for name.

As it turns out, this is really easy to do with some simple JavaScript. We can accomplish this with the following steps :
  1. Identify the characters that need to be ignored (Black listing approach)
  2. Add an event handler for the key down event on the text box
  3. In the event handler, check whether the input character is one of the characters that needs to be ignored. For these characters, just return false from the event handler. This will prevent that particular character from reflecting in the text box
  4. Optionally, one can show an error message if one of the unwanted characters is input. This is done to avoid the user from getting confused when his inputs don't cause any changes in the contents of the text box

Here is the code for declaring text field in HTML :

<input id="'startDate'" type="'text'">

We can add the event handler in the HTML tag itself or in a Javascript function which will be called on the "onload" event of the body as follows :

document.getElementById('startDate').onkeydown = CheckNumber;

Here, we are using the "Key Down" event of the text box to check for the character input by the user. Finally, the event handler function code is as follows :

function CheckNumber(e)
........if (!e)
............e = window.event;
........var keynum;
............//IE : Get the code of the key the user pressed
............keynum = e.keyCode;
........catch (err)
............//Netscape/Firefox/Opera : Get the code of the key the user pressed
............keynum = e.which;

/*Prevent any character not in the range 0-9 and not '/', backspace, delete or left and right arrow keys, Tab and Shift+Tab. ASCII Code : / is 191, Backspace is 8,Delete is 46, Left : 37, Right :39, Tab : 9, Shift + Tab: 16*/

........if (keynum != 191 && (keynum <> 57) && keynum != 8 && keynum != 46 && keynum != 37 && keynum != 39 && keynum != 9 && keynum != 16)
............//Show error to the user to inform him that the input was invalid
............document.getElementById("dateErrorMessage").style.display = "inline";
............//Return false to prevent the character from being added to textbox
............return false;
............//Remove error message if it's visible
............document.getElementById("dateErrorMessage").style.display = "none";
....catch (ex)
........alert("Check number : " + ex.message);

As can be seen from the comments, we first retrieve the ASCII code for the character typed by the user (as expected, we have 2 different ways of getting the value based on the browser type) . Then we check against the characters we will allow (I am using white listing here, one can use blacklisting also, as mentioned earlier. The right approach will depend on the number of conditions that need to be specified but generally white listing is preferred for 2 reasons. It will cause fewer problems in case you miss out on some conditions and this mistake will be easier to catch during testing. If the character doesn't fall within our white list, we show an error message on a label and then return false to prevent it from appearing in the text box. Otherwise, we do nothing so that the character appears normally in the text box.

So there you have it, a texbox that accepts restricted inputs. Customise for the type of inputs you want to allow/disallow.

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